Scene based on Japanese Popular TV program in Jujutsu Kaisen volume5


This article introduces Japanese culture from Jujutsu kaisen vol.5.
In this volume, you should know a TV program in Japan to understand background of the characters action and words.

What is the relation between the message and scene

Quote 呪術廻戦 Volume 5 Jujutsu Kaisen  chapter 37

The scene tell you that people cannot learn any technique without seeing well actual performance. But thing that may confuse reader is the below scene on the picture.
You can see following information.

– Rating check
– Correct Answer Room (named A)
– Guy sitting in a sofa

This is all about the content from Japanese popular TV program “Kakuduke check”.
In this TV show, participants, basically celebrity or artist, are tested to discern fake one or real one with blindfold (for example, test to identify hi-quality beef between 1000 dollar beef and discount pork. It sounds easy but when people lost eye visibility, it become difficult to identify things )

I think the author wanted to strengthen the message by using the TV show as a metaphor.


Hello I am Ryu who is writer of this blog
I work in a global manufacturing company as an IT engineer in Japan.
My favorite thing is introduce strange or amazing points in Japanese culture to foreigners which is not told from official media.
If you want comment from Japanese perspective or have a question on Anime or Manga regarding Japanese culture , feel free to reach out to X( Twitter)!

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