What does mumen rider means?

One Punch Man

“Mumen” is “without license” or “unlicensed”

One punch man VOL.2 Chapter 12

The term “mumen” in Japanese means “without license” or “unlicensed”. It is the name of a character in the One Punch Man series who is depicted as a bicycle-riding hero who lacks advanced fighting skills but still works hard to protect others.
According to the official explanation book of One Punch Man, he originally rode a motorcycle, but repeated speed violations in order to hurry to crime scenes led to his license being revoked and he was forced to switch to a bicycle.
The name is derived from his characteristic and sense of justice.

By the way, he is the first rank hero in class C andz appears on the scene riding a mundane bicycle. (The bicycle called “mamachari (mama = mother, chari = bicycle)” in Japanese is a type of bicycle commonly used by housewives in Japanese for shopping and picking up their children.)


Hello I am Ryu who is writer of this blog
I work in a global manufacturing company as an IT engineer in Japan.
My favorite thing is introduce strange or amazing points in Japanese culture to foreigners which is not told from official media.
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