How to create Anime food: “Weathering With You” Potato Chips Fried Rice

Anime food

I finally watched Makoto Shinkai’s second film, “Weathering With You”. In it, there’s this original Japanese? dish by Hina that caught my attention, so I’ll introduce it with some additional details from the official website’s recipe. In the movie, Hodaka brought potato chips as a gift when he visited Hina’s house. Hina used these the items to entertain him with original dish: Potato Chip Fried Rice. Here, I’ll introduce the Potato Chip Fried Rice recipe based on the recipe introduced on the official website (

The recipe will be detailed at the end, but first, let’s start with an overview.

Overview of the food

In English, it’s translated as “Fried Rice”, but in Japan, Fried Rice refers to a specific recipe. In Japanese, Fried Rice is called “Chahan”, consisting of rice stir-fried with eggs, green onions, and soy sauce. This forms the base of the dish.

In the movie, they put crushed potato chips on top of this Chahan. The potato chips used are a Japanese flavor called “Norishio,” released by the Japanese manufacturer Calbee. Literally, it’s a mixture of powdered dried seaweed (nori) and salt, probably a unique Japanese flavor with a taste reminiscent of the sea.

Also, in the movie, they top it with a vegetable called “Toumyou” (bean sprouts) which are bean sprouts. These are grown hydroponically, and if you leave the roots intact, they will regrow, allowing multiple harvests from one purchase, making them a cost-effective food choice. It’s becoming a popular way to save money in Japan lately, and we can find them at supermarkets in Japan.

Detail of the recipe

Ingredients (1 serving):

  • 200g cooked rice
  • 15g potato chips (nori salt flavor)
  • 1/4 onion
  • 1/4 pack of bean sprouts
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon chicken soup stock powder
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil [Topping]
  • 1 egg yolk


  1. Finely chop the onion.
  2. Trim the roots of the bean sprouts and cut them into 2cm lengths.
  3. Heat sesame oil and grated ginger in a frying pan over low heat.
  4. Once the aroma of the ginger rises, add the chopped onion and turn to medium heat.
  5. Stir-fry until the onion becomes translucent, then add cooked rice, half of the chopped potato chips, and (②) from the ingredients list.
  6. Once everything is well combined, add the crushed potato chips while mixing quickly. Shape a hollow in the center of the mixture in the pan.
  7. Arrange the remaining (②) around the hollow, and place the egg yolk in the center to complete.

If you want to know more detail, please check below video from official website.

クラシル提供「天気の子」劇中登場レシピ のり塩すごもりチャーハン 作り方・レシピ | クラシル
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Hello I am Ryu who is writer of this blog
I work in a global manufacturing company as an IT engineer in Japan.
My favorite thing is introduce strange or amazing points in Japanese culture to foreigners which is not told from official media.
If you want comment from Japanese perspective or have a question on Anime or Manga regarding Japanese culture , feel free to reach out to X( Twitter)!

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