In the Hunter x Hunter world, there are two continents: the Yorubian continent and the Eisens continent.
One city in the Yorubian continent, Yorknshin city, became the stage for Phantom Troupe and Gurapika. Additionally, Yorkshin is an anagram of New York (“Shin” means “new” in Japanese). Interestingly, a Japanese architect discovered that this city seems to be modeled after Barcelona, Spain, as seen in the following blog post:

After the Industrial Revolution, Barcelona expanded city area through urban planning due to population growth. The new city was designed with square parcels resembling Lego blocks.
The position of Barcelona on the world map in Hunter x Hunter is very close to its real-life location, and it seems certain that Yoshihiro Togashi, the author of Hunter x Hunter, used this place as a model for Yorkshin city.