“Pachinko” is a one of most popular gamble game in Japan. It seems Itadori plays the gamble in capter64. This article introduce the unique game.
What is Pachinko
uote 呪術廻戦 Volume 8 Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 64
In this scene, Itadori said that “it is troublesome to find money exchange counter so exchange to daily stuff”. To understand the comment, you need to understand the Japanese gamble “Pachinko”.
Pachinko is the gamble game which has been popular for middle aged man from 1930s. Actually it is regally in gray zone and the government prohibit underage people to play it. (I think Itadori is outside of law )
It is easy to find the Pachinko casino anywhere in any city with glare of neon lights. It can be called “neighborhood casino” .The rule of the game is simple. Pachinko is a cross between a pinball game and a slot machine.
Firstly player need to buy small steel ball like below image
And twist the handle and shoot up the steel balls called “pachinko dama”. If your steel balls enter into the halls, the number of balls increases. The increased steel balls and coins can be exchanged for prizes and money afterward.
In case to exchange the ball to money, you need to find exchange counter outside the shop. This is the point that Itadori mentioned.
You may think it is strange but it is prohibited by Japanese law to exchange game outcome(balls) to cash by the shop. Therefore, the shop prepare small counter outside of the shop and they insist that it operated by a different company to take advantage of loopholes in a law.
If you have chance to visit Japan city, I am sure that you will find this casino. I recommend you to visit the casino. It may be interesting to see the culture. (Just entering inside is free)