Japanese Cultural Trivia from Jujutsu Kaisen Volume3

Jujutsu Kaisen

This article introduces Japanese culture in depth from Jujutsu kaisen vol.3.
In this volume, reader can know Japanese unique culture from Pop idol, stereo type of Ninja for Japanese people.

Why toad monster widely used in Japanese Manga

Quote 呪術廻戦 Jujutsu Kaisen VOL3 chapter 17

In this scene, Fujiguro call mixed Youkai with “Nue” and “Toad”. Some of readers from foreign country wonder why ninjas often fight enemies alongside toads.
I would like to introduce the reason why Japanese Manga use this kind of toad monster widely especially Ninja related manga such as Naruto.

NARUTO Volume 15 Chapter 134
Naruto call and stand on head on Big Toad

Its inspiration comes from the stories of Kabuki, an old Japanese popular entertainment.
There is a ninja named Jiraiya in the story, uses the sorcery he learned in China to defeat the bad guys.
This image inspire many manga artists and it has been used extensively in ninja manga such as Naruto. For this reason, the Japanese feel no discomfort in a combination of a ninja and a toad.

Jiraiya - Wikipedia

It’s not only greet event

Quote 呪術廻戦 Jujutsu Kaisen VOL3 chapter 18

Todo is a big fan of this idol. It’s not just a greeting event, it’s called “Akushu kai” (Event to shake hands with idol). Since there is no English equivalent for this word, it is translated as Greeting, but the content is slightly different.

In this kind of event, fans can meet and shake hand with his or her own idol by passing the ticket(You can see the ticket in Todo’s hand.).
The ticket is not easy to get because you need to buy five(or more) CDs to get single ticket to join this event.(there is a coupon inside the CD case, if you can collect 5 coupon then you can exchange it to the single ticket) Once you contribute their sales revenue then deserve to shake hand for 5 seconds with the idol finally. OMG

Most common summer vacation home work in Japan is…

uote 呪術廻戦 Jujutsu Kaisen VOL3 chapter 25

In this scene, the guy who bullied Yoshino won the essay contest. Actually it is book review contest in Japanese version. Most of Japanese student (Junior or High school) have homework during summer vacation. The most common one is the book review. (when I was student I also got the homework and I finished it without reading the book up lol)


Hello I am Ryu who is writer of this blog
I work in a global manufacturing company as an IT engineer in Japan.
My favorite thing is introduce strange or amazing points in Japanese culture to foreigners which is not told from official media.
If you want comment from Japanese perspective or have a question on Anime or Manga regarding Japanese culture , feel free to reach out to X( Twitter)!


Jujutsu KaisenManga
Japan Pop Culture Detail
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