One Punch Man does not fit into the hiring culture of Japanese companies?

One Punch Man

VOL.1 Chapter 2 begins with the flashback scene of Saitama who failed in job hunting when he was a student. Job hunting for Japanese student is extremely unique compared to that in the rest of the world. In this article, I’ll introduce you to this strange job-hunting process in Japan.(Normally before graduate school, student start to attend interview to find out job)

One Punch Man Volume1 Chapter2

There is a dress code for job hunting

The picture above is a stereotype of what Japanese students wear when they are looking for a job. (Saitama also wear the same)
99% of the students wear this pattern, and if I had to say the difference, it would be just color black, gray, or navy. Following link is the picture of  a job information fair.  You may be able to understand what I said.

ページが見つかりません。 - リクナビ就活準備ガイド

Why student in Japan behave like this is from company’s hiring policy. Japanese company’s culture favors uniformity and expects employees to behave in an organized manner (just like the military). For students, it is only a disadvantage to stand out by wearing something other than this pattern at the interview.
In fact, as an example, when a friend of mine had an interview at a company, the company told him to come dressed casually, and he honestly did, but everyone else was wearing that suit….
Nowadays, it is getting changed and better but there are still many other strange cultures and manners in job hunting in Japan. (e.g. how to enter the interview room, when to sit in a chair and template question in interview )
Saitama is very far from the common Japanese perception & sense, so I assume that is the one of factor he couldn’t succeed in job hunting.


Hello I am Ryu who is writer of this blog
I work in a global manufacturing company as an IT engineer in Japan.
My favorite thing is introduce strange or amazing points in Japanese culture to foreigners which is not told from official media.
If you want comment from Japanese perspective or have a question on Anime or Manga regarding Japanese culture , feel free to reach out to X( Twitter)!

One Punch Man
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