The concept of Attack on Titan was inspired by the author’s hometown

Attack on Titan

The manga depicts humans living in a narrow world surrounded by walls and giants who are a threat to the outside world.
It actually comes from the hometown of the author, Isahaya Hajime.
This article introduces what kind of place he was born and raised in, and what kind of background he had.

Attack on Titan Vol.1 Chapter.1

Isayama’s hometown is a small country town surrounded by mountains called Hita City, Miyazaki Prefecture, in the South area of Japan.

The author has loved drawing comics since he was a child.
He said that he hide his comics from his parents, but his father saw them when he was in high school. At that time, his father said, “You can’t become a manga artist.”
Isayama said there was a conflict between his dream and his parents and he wanted to get out of his hometown to get out of the countryside.

There is a part that overlaps with the feelings of the main character, Eren Yeager, who dreams of a world outside the walls.

Also, in this town, there is Ohyama dam that became the model for Wall Maria.
You will be able to see the real wall here.

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Hello I am Ryu who is writer of this blog
I work in a global manufacturing company as an IT engineer in Japan.
My favorite thing is introduce strange or amazing points in Japanese culture to foreigners which is not told from official media.
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